Friday, January 29, 2010

Why I would marry him all over again

Spirit FM 90.5 is having this contest that asks couples if they would marry their spouse all over again. The goal is to tell the radio personality why you would marry your spouse all over again and then the "dj" calls your spouse and lets you propose to them over the telephone. If he/she accepts, you are then placed in a drawing to win a wedding.

I would marry my husband all over again for many reasons. He is a very loving and gentle person with a heart of pure gold. He loves me for exactly who I am. He is a wonderful father to our son and I could not ask for a better best friend. No one has ever loved me the way that Robby does. No one has had the ability to set my soul aflame the way that he has. I am thankful to God for him. We accept one another, faults and all, and even find them endearing. Communication is probably the strongest asset of our relationship. We talk about any and everything.

Robby is the man that I dream of growing old with. My goal is to be the best wife possible for Robby with God's help and guidance. I believe that marriage is a beautiful partnership between two people. It is never a fifty fifty thing. Sometimes it is eighty/twenty, ninety/ten, and so on. The most important thing is to be sensitive enough to your spouse's needs to pick up the slack when they need you to do so. It is not easy, but it is worth it.

If anyone asks me if I would marry Robby all over again, the answer would be one thousand times "yes".

- the busy bee

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