Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The very best you.

Here is a thought for 2010. Are you the best you that you can be? I have been asking myself that lately. How do you know if you are the best version of yourself? I do not want to go into religious matters here because, well, I am not a "religious" person. I am a follower of Christ that makes mistakes on a daily basis because I am also a human being.

When attempting to answer the question, think of what makes you the happiest. Think of what makes you feel alive more than anything else in the world. Try to think about intrinsic things, not extrinsic. The superficial does not make a person valuable. Make sense?

Usually the answers to those questions (What makes me happiest? What makes me feel most alive?) point to the real and authentic you. Once that person is found, stripped away from all of the trappings of life, work on refining those qualities that set you apart from everyone else. Remember, we were created uniquely and specifically to fulfill a special niche in this world. What an amazing thought that is!

Once you have answered the questions, think about what the answers look like in your life. For example, if going to the beach makes you the happiest, what would it look like if you made the most of your beach experience? Could it be that you are at the beach to give a genuine smile to someone having a horrid day? Maybe they were there contemplating suicide and your particular smile gave them hope that humanity was not so wretched after all. If shopping makes you happy (I'm going to be careful with that one), maybe that Wal-Mart trip is meant for you to brighten someone's day by extending help to the person who cannot afford a few of the necessary items that are on that conveyor belt.

Just imagine how much better our town, city, county, state, and nation would be if there were more people living the best versions of themselves. I do not believe this is a childish ideal. It can be accomplished with a little hard work and discipline. After all, really, how hard is it to be kind to someone? It might shock them into being kind right back to you or to someone else that they come across during their day!

It is my goal to live out and become the very best version of myself. Consider this prayerfully. Start small if this seems like an insurmountable obstacle. Try it for an hour, then a day, then a month, etc. Before you know it, you will be living on a daily basis the very best version of yourself. Am I saying that it will be easy? NO! It will be quite difficult, but are you up to the challenge? I am. Please join me in this endeavor.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing in your ear,
the busy bee

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