Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baking Success

My husband L-O-V-E-D those cheese squares! Another cooking success under my belt! I remember why those things only come out once a year. Oh, they are super simple to make, but man are they irresistible. Today we had fun eating lunch together as a family, browsing in the local Army/Navy surplus store, and then I made a trip to Wal-Mart sans the men.

Confession - I used to be a shopaholic. No, not as bad as the lady from the movie, but, I used to have a hard time saying "no" to things at Wal-Mart. The little things always got me. Crazy, right? Well, tonight when I went, I only bought exactly the three items on my list plus the one item that my husband requested. I didn't buy any storage bins for my shoes (which I need to organize the master bedroom closet) because I remembered that we have some empty ones in the garage that I can take over. I didn't buy any new shoes because I do not need any. I did not buy any of the $5 movies because we don't need them. I did not buy that second drying rack for clothes that can't go in the dryer. It felt GREAT! There was a great sense of accomplishment and my husband was very proud.

My next task is go log on to my bank account and transfer the change from my purchases to my savings account. Bank of America does this, but, I am not a BOA member. I just started this today and plan to continue it into 2010. Well, I am off for tonight. I will post some new pictures tomorrow. Happy New Year!!!!!!!

buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing around the bedroom,
the busy bee

In a baking sort of mood

Good New Year's Eve to you! I am in a baking kind of mood today. Homemade chocolate chip cookies and cheese squares are on the agenda. I have everything for the cookies except for the chips and a few of the ingredients needed for those yummy cheese squares. So, a Publix run is in order. I also have to unload the dishwasher and load it back up and put the laundry away. Fun times. With a little motivational music, it's all good.

If the weather holds out, my men want to go camping tonight. I love to see them smile. My husband's smile ignites my soul and my son's smile warms my mommy heart. Other than those few things, nothing too profound or exciting going on in the busy bee's household today.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This is a photo that I took back in October of 2007. It is from the boat and I was just learning to use my Nikon camera. In fact, I believe that this is from the first "roll" of film that I used. No, it isn't a film camera, but I have the habit of calling them rolls.

My husband and I were out fishing and exploring that day. It is hard to believe that we have been married for three years. It seems as though we have always been together and I believe our souls truly have been. I am just feeling a little nostalgic. It's hard to comprehend everything that has happened or changed in the world in the last ten years.

Ten years ago, people were worrying about Y2K and if at the stroke of midnight, Jesus would return. I was very ill on New Year's Even of 1999. I don't remember much of it because I was so sick. At that time, I lived in Lakeland and was about to start my second semester as a junior at Southeastern College (now Southeastern University). My fever was extremely high, my parents were at their home in Riverview, and my ex-inlaws were visiting from Mississippi. I can remember just laying on the couch, slipping in and out of sleep.

Ten years ago, my husband was backpacking on the Appalachian trail and stopped for the night in a shelter along the trail. It was cold so he bundled up under his sleeping bag and was then bitten by a rattle snake. He was obviously extremely ill and he was alone. I have seen the picture that he took of himself just in case he passed away and someone could find the picture to use as identification. We were miles away from one another, states away from each other, and we were both sick. How amazing is that? He was dating other people and I was married to someone else, however, I believe that our souls were bound together in such a way that even then we felt what the other was feeling.

Over the past decade I have had many blessings and many hurdles to jump. Even when my faith wavered, I knew that I was not alone and that God was there the whole time. My husband was not really alone during that rattle snake bite. He protected his life and watched over him while no one else could. For that, I am eternally thankful.

I believe that the next ten years are going to be among the best of our lives.

the busy bee

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

25 totally random facts about me

  1. I can smell the rain before it comes and it smells wonderful. I can do the same with the fall.
  2. I think thunderstorms are beautiful.
  3. I am not afraid of hurricanes. They are nature's clean up crew.
  4. I have never seen snow.
  5. I once owned over 150 pairs of shoes but have cut it down to about 20.
  6. I am petrified of heights...that is why I am only 5'3" tall. lol
  7. I used to want to be a belly dancer at Busch Gardens when I was a little girl.
  8. Writing is very therapeutic for me. I keep a handwritten journal and I blog daily.
  9. Creativity is one of my greatest passions. When it is stifled, I feel like I can not breathe.
  10. I firmly believe that people should be screened or have a parenting permit before they are allowed to have children.
  11. I can not stand "fake" people. Be real. Be yourself.
  12. The first time I went camping, I was twenty-eight years old.
  13. I have never smoked anything. That is something that I am proud of. People that I love dearly have passed away from the effects of smoking.
  14. Despite adamant objections, I learned to cook after I moved out of my parents house. Now, I love to cook.
  15. There are times that I can not sleep because my mind will not "turn off".
  16. I think "too much".
  17. Teaching is the best job that I have ever had. I plan to do it until I retire.
  18. My very first job was at a men's clothing store. I was hired to stand at the front of the store and attract customers. Glamorous, I know.
  19. I love hair, make-up, manicures, pedicures, and jewelry.
  20. My thirtieth birthday was my best birthday ever. A close second would be my trip to Atlanta to the Coca-Cola museum.
  21. I collect Coach and Vera Bradley.
  22. My iPod, cell phone, and iBook are my prized possessions.
  23. As an only child, there are times that I get "people overload" and I just want to go somewhere and be alone.
  24. I have social anxiety disorder and fear that no one really likes me.
  25. When I read, it is like watching a movie in my head. Each character has a distinct voice and when I watch the movie of the book, I am almost always disappointed.

A tip for adding music to your iPod or MP3 player.

For those of you that know me well, you know that I absolutely love music. My whole life is one giant soundtrack. If I hear a song, I am immediately transported to a particular place in time. I can remember what was happening at the time, what the people around me were wearing, the scents in the air, and the different emotions I was feeling. Given the choice between music and television, I would choose music hands down.

My musical taste is very eclectic. Itunes is one of the best places on the internet (in my humble opinion), and if money were no object, I would spend thousands of dollars there without blinking an eye. In fact, I play my iPod at work on a daily basis and the kids love it. I have found that music soothes the children and gets them in a learning frame of mind. It is good for "transitions", background sound while they work in centers, or for just being silly and dancing around on "fun Fridays".

About a year and a half ago, I realized that I could go to the library and check out cds. These cds could be burned onto my computer and added to my iTunes library. What a great money saver! That is another little tip that I have shared with friends. Of course you can preview the music at the iTunes store, but, it is only about a thirty second clip. With a cd from the library, you can listen to the whole song and decide if it is iPod worthy or not. For those of you who may think that library cds are not current...wrong! They are! You can even request/put a hold on a certain cd that you are looking for. Sometimes they have music that the iTunes store does not carry.

Because I have so many albums on my iPod, the smartest thing for me to do is take the device with me and double check to make sure that I do not already "own" it. My husband is proud of the money that I save (that is such a good feeling as well) and I am proud of the music library that I am growing.

If you haven't tried it, put together a musical montage of your life. You just might be surprised at what comes out. Remember to make a joyful noise, and be proud of it!

Bragging on my man

I really need to brag on my husband. He is a wonderful man and he is so good to David and me. He truly has the patience of Job. If you don't know that story, look it up in your Bible. My eighth grade English teacher, Mrs. Conover, told me that my husband would have to have the patience of Job. She was so right. I will have to talk about her really soon. Anyway, not to get off track.....

Today I had an accident with my camera printer. One of my issues is that I like to pull a "Rachael Ray" and carry more than one thing at a time. I told you she was my girl. Well, the hall closet has been cleaned, organized, labeled, and turned into pristine condition. I wanted to print some pictures to add to a new photo album I received for Christmas, however, I also wanted to pick up a box of baggies so my husband could store some things. Anyway, I had both of them in hand and bashed my thumb. The photo printer hit the floor and is need of repair. My thumb and perfectly manicured fingernail are in tact (woot woot) for those who care.

Thank God my husband is a master craftsman and can fix just about anything. I swear that man is a genius! He really is! He is my IT man, my handy man, my best friend, and my lover. Instead of yelling or getting angry with me, my husband looked at me and asked as only a shrink can do, what I needed to learn from that experience. I learned to carry one thing at a time unless I am carrying in groceries, Wal-Mart bags, or various other non-important things. That is another one of his great qualities. Being married to a shrink isn't so bad after all. Live and learn. As long as you learn from your mistakes, it's all good.

OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH! Three contractor sized garbage bags thrown out and waiting for the trash man along with an extra coffee table that we do not need. If any of you know where we live, and want a free coffee table, come by after dark (if it lasts that long). That way no one sees you picking it up from the side of the road.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing off to the library,
The busy bee

Purging before the New Year!

My grandmother used to say that however the new year caught your house, that is how it would be for the rest of the new year. Is this true? I am not sure, however, last year I had laundry that needed to be put away and this year I struggled more than ever with putting the fresh laundry away. Coincidence? (Insert Twilight Zone theme song here)

This year, we have already been through one "purge" of our belongings. It felt good to rid ourselves of all of the excess "stuff" in our home. As I sit here looking around, it looks like another purge may be in order. How can three people accumulate so many things? Where does it all come from? Does it breed in the closets and drawers during the night?

The plan is to load up the contractor sized garbage bags and haul them to Good Will or leave it for the garbage man to collect tomorrow. Of course, this depends on the contents of the bags. Our family has so much to do with a limited amount of time to accomplish the task.

Next post, the results of the big purge.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzing around the house,
The busy bee

Monday, December 28, 2009

My Name Is Earl

So, my son and I love to watch "My Name Is Earl" together. I laugh so hard because there are real people like that! Sometimes I pretend that my "alter ego" is Joy. OH SNAP! Did I just confess that? While we are on the subject of confessing, I totally botched the spelling of "correction". I also make up my own words sometimes. It is all a part of creative genius. hahahaha

The hot and cold spells are still coming and going throughout my body. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and we can actually do something fun. I plan to go to the library and pick up a few books.

Talk to you all later.
Buzzing in your ear,
The busy bee


I can spell, really I can. Please insert the word "pore" for "pour" in my previous post. I told you it's been one heck of a day.

Chills, hot flashes, chills again

Am I too young for this? Apparently not. It started last night; like something from a horror movie. I could not get comfortable in my own skin. First the blankets bothered me, then it was the sheets, then it was my clothes. The ceiling fan was on high, the small fan was also on high. Sweat poured from every pour of my body and I did not know that certain pours could sweat. Just as this was happening, I got cold - not cool, not chilly, cold. I got dressed, put slippers on my feet, wrapped up in my snuggie, then crawled back under the covers. Is that normal? Is it crazy?
So far today I have been running hot and cold for as long as I have been awake. As I sit here typing away at my computer, I am wrapped in the faithful pink softness of my snuggie.

To thank my husband for his patience during this zany time, I am baking a pound cake. It's one of his favorites and it is a dessert that I have never attempted to bake. Shhhhhhhh, it's a surprise. hahahaha I'm sure the smell will give it away soon enough. More updates to come.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sappy but one hundred percent true!

The Top Ten Reasons I Love My Family

  1. We have a good time just "hanging out".
  2. We love each other through thick and thin.
  3. We are blessed beyond belief by God.
  4. My husband and son amaze me each and every day.
  5. My "boys" make life better and easier after a rough day out in the world.
  6. We are open and honest with each other; no secrets.
  7. We accept each other, flaws and all.
  8. At any given time, one or more of us is either laughing or smiling.
  9. Our hobbies and interests are not at odds with any other family member's hobbies or interests.
  10. We respect each other.
So, those are just a few of the reasons that I love my family. Take the time to sit and think about a few of the reasons that you love your family. Reflection is good for the soul. Unfortunately, most of us wait until this time of year to let others know how we feel. Life is short - fleeting. Speak up before it is too late.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzing in your ear,
The Busy Bee

My own PSA


If you know me at all, you know that I am no "tree hugger". I am, however, saddened by the individuals that just throw their trash on the ground like the world is their own private trash can. One can only imagine the condition of the home in which they live.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were in a parking lot, and we witnessed a man cleaning out his truck. Now this would be perfectly normal, except, this man was tossing the unwanted contents of his vehicle onto the asphalt. There were various drink cans, McDonald's bags, and an assortment of other items a person may collect while not having time to get to a trash can. These items were making their way from the truck to the ground. This man did not even seem to notice that there were people watching him. In fact, he seemed proud of himself for doing a good deed - laughable, really. What ever happened to personal responsibility? Obviously, this individual believed that the street sweeper would come along behind him and clean up his mess.

As the sign says (yes, I took this picture at a park), "Think before you throw." It's not a hard concept, my six year old son follows that rule. In fact, my pre-k students know not to litter. What a novel idea. Pass it on.

Time to get off of my soap box and plant both feet on the earth.
Buzzing along,
The busy bee

Thought provoking quote

The thought provoking quote is this, "You know what's scarier than being alone? You know what's worse? Being alone for the rest of your life with the wrong guy."

In my previous marriage, I was alone. I was married in name only. There was no real togetherness, no authentic relationship, and I was alone - with the wrong guy. It was like living with a roommate. I went where I wanted, when I wanted, and at times people did not believe that I even had a husband. What a joke of a marriage!

This is a picture of the RIGHT man with our son. I now have the perfect family for me. It is the family that God intended for me to have all along and I am forever thankful for my husband and son. I love you guys!

If you want to share some love, here is a great idea!

Cream Cheese Squares aka Chess Pie

Preheat oven to 35o degrees.
Mix 1 box of yellow cake mix, 1 stick of melted butter, and 1 egg together in a bowl to make a dough. Press into the bottom of a 9x13 (sprayed with Pam) pan.

Beat together an 8oz pkg of cream cheese (softened), 1 lb pkg of powdered sugar, 3 eggs, and 1 tsp vanilla. Make sure that there are no "lumps". Pour over crust.

Bake until golden brown (40-45 minutes). Allow to cool before cutting.

My Aunt in West Virginia makes these and I grew up on them. As my girl Rachael Ray says, "YUM-O!"

These things worked their magic into the heart and stomach of my husband. I have also heard of these being called "Ooey Gooey Butter Cake" and you can get creative with this. Some people drizzle melted chocolate over the top, use cherry pie filling on top, or blueberry pie filling. Really, you are only limited by your imagination!

Enjoy this wonderful Southern dessert and remember to S-H-A-R-E with those you love. This has been a late night public service announcement from a pre-kindergarten teacher. As I tell my students, "Sharing is caring."

Quit laughing, you know it's true! :-)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

An example of true class vs. white trash with money.

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot! I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in
miracles." - Audrey Hepburn

"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am way out of control and at times hard to handle. But, if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best!" - Marilyn Monroe

Both of these ladies were beautiful in their own unique ways. However, the class in Audrey Hepburn's little finger far outshone the raw sex appeal of Marilyn Monroe. Think about it, ladies. As we age, our class is something that stays with us and even refines itself on a regular basis. It is like a rare jewel being polished to a perfectly dazzling sheen for everyone to admire. We just have to be open to this challenge and rise to the occasion. It is not always easy and often uncomfortable.

Pure, raw, sexuality is fleeting. Think about it for a moment. Like it or not, gravity is not our friend. It does not take much of an imagination to envision exactly what happens to the once voluptuous breasts or perfectly positioned tush of the body that everyone seemed to envy.

On the other hand, gravity too will have it's way on the body of the woman with class. It, however, will not affect her in the same way! This woman will age gracefully. She will accept her body's changes and "go with it". She will make the best of what the Lord God blessed her with, and her family and friends will be unable to tear their eyes away from this incredibly gorgeous woman. In fact, her beauty will only increase! How is this so? Is there some sort of secret that is being held from many of our world's population? Did Ponce deLeon really find the Fountain of Youth? Botox? Wonder bras?

I believe that the answer is a resounding "NO". If there is a secret, and there is, it is being completely content and happy within yourself. This does not mean being complacent. This means work with what you have naturally. It means accept yourself for you! If you are tall, embrace the height. If you are petite, enjoy the fact that you may be able to fit into places other "grown ups" can not. I guarantee your child/children will think it is the coolest thing ever if Mommy can play on the playground with them. Love yourself! Love the woman God created you to be. Do not compare yourself to the other women around you or in magazines or television.

Make it a point to look in the mirror and find something good about yourself. If you like your eyes, LOVE your eyes! Play up your best features. It has taken this woman thirty years to finally look at herself and see positive things. Think of all the time I wasted!

If I could teach young women anything, it would be that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of Christ Jesus. When you complain about yourself (hair color, eye color, hair texture, skin tone, etc), you are actually slapping the Lord God Jehovah in the face and telling Him that He did not know what He was doing when He knit you together in your mother's womb. Think about it! His fingerprints are all over y-o-u. Two of my favorite scriptures are Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 29:11. If you do not know them, please take the time and look them up. Commit them to memory if you can. If you can not commit them to memory "word for word", please do yourself a favor and learn the basic gist. Tuck it away into your heart of hearts. Believe me, you will not regret it.

The busy bee

I have a son. It is the most amazing and life altering thing. I do not believe in raising him to believe that he thinks that he is "all that and a bag o' chips", however, my husband and I are teaching him to recognize that he is unique. God loves him.

Julie and Julia, a review

Julie and Julia was a very cute movie. My husband gave it a "C" only because he felt that there was no real resolution, and that Julia Child should have at least met Julie. I have to agree on that point. If someone really looks up to you, have the decency to meet them face to face and acknowledge their admiration. There is nothing wrong with being famous or admiring famous people. After all, don't most of us pattern our life after someone that we think highly of?

I know that I have taken bits and pieces from those around me and added them to the mix that is Alissa. Always remember, we would not be who we are without a little help from our friends (thank you, Beatles).

The busiest bee

Snuggling over hot chocolate and a chick flick

This is a dreary, day after Christmas afternoon. My wonderful husband and I are snuggled up drinking hot chocolate and watching "Julie and Julia". What a special time, and I am truly blessed to have such a special man to be willing to watch this with me. It is so much easier for us to watch movies at home. We can pause the movie whenever we need to, back it up, and re-watch our favorite scenes.

My pink snuggie is proudly wrapped around my body, new slippers warming my firgid feet, and it is only seventy degrees outside. As a true Floridian, if the temperature dips below seventy, I am cold. My eventual goal in life is to live on the beach, and to make a "snow man" out of sand. What fun!

This busy bee is going to head back to the strong arms of her man and enjoy the rest of this movie. I will come back with more information and a small review. Also, I will go ahead and post this blog address on my facebook page. If anyone is interested in following this simple life of mine, feel free to join up.

I look forward to hearing from you and accepting any ideas or challenges that you may want me to write about. My creative self needs an outlet....badly! Love to you all.

Buzzzzzzzzz, the busiest bee