Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baking Success

My husband L-O-V-E-D those cheese squares! Another cooking success under my belt! I remember why those things only come out once a year. Oh, they are super simple to make, but man are they irresistible. Today we had fun eating lunch together as a family, browsing in the local Army/Navy surplus store, and then I made a trip to Wal-Mart sans the men.

Confession - I used to be a shopaholic. No, not as bad as the lady from the movie, but, I used to have a hard time saying "no" to things at Wal-Mart. The little things always got me. Crazy, right? Well, tonight when I went, I only bought exactly the three items on my list plus the one item that my husband requested. I didn't buy any storage bins for my shoes (which I need to organize the master bedroom closet) because I remembered that we have some empty ones in the garage that I can take over. I didn't buy any new shoes because I do not need any. I did not buy any of the $5 movies because we don't need them. I did not buy that second drying rack for clothes that can't go in the dryer. It felt GREAT! There was a great sense of accomplishment and my husband was very proud.

My next task is go log on to my bank account and transfer the change from my purchases to my savings account. Bank of America does this, but, I am not a BOA member. I just started this today and plan to continue it into 2010. Well, I am off for tonight. I will post some new pictures tomorrow. Happy New Year!!!!!!!

buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing around the bedroom,
the busy bee

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