Sunday, December 27, 2009

My own PSA


If you know me at all, you know that I am no "tree hugger". I am, however, saddened by the individuals that just throw their trash on the ground like the world is their own private trash can. One can only imagine the condition of the home in which they live.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were in a parking lot, and we witnessed a man cleaning out his truck. Now this would be perfectly normal, except, this man was tossing the unwanted contents of his vehicle onto the asphalt. There were various drink cans, McDonald's bags, and an assortment of other items a person may collect while not having time to get to a trash can. These items were making their way from the truck to the ground. This man did not even seem to notice that there were people watching him. In fact, he seemed proud of himself for doing a good deed - laughable, really. What ever happened to personal responsibility? Obviously, this individual believed that the street sweeper would come along behind him and clean up his mess.

As the sign says (yes, I took this picture at a park), "Think before you throw." It's not a hard concept, my six year old son follows that rule. In fact, my pre-k students know not to litter. What a novel idea. Pass it on.

Time to get off of my soap box and plant both feet on the earth.
Buzzing along,
The busy bee

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