Friday, November 26, 2010

Woman of color

Hi there,

Over the summer, I researched my interest in make-up. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot of cool new tips and tricks. The most interesting thing that I learned was that I am considered a "woman of color". I know, don't laugh. Me, Alissa, the busy bee, a woman of color??!!! I used to get picked on and made fun of because of my light skin. Do any of you remember calling me "Powder" or an albino? If any of my readers made fun of me, you are forgiven because it only made me stronger. Anyway, yes I am fair skinned but I do not have the pink undertones of the typical caucasian person. My undertones are brown/dark. While reading this particular book, I learned that if you scar dark (check), have dark elbows(check), dark knees (check), dark nuckles (check), dark circles under your eyes/dark eyelids (check), you are indeed considered a person of color EVEN if you have lighter skin. Interesting. So, what is the point of this little blog? You'll see, just be patient.

Here goes, and I hope that it makes sense. I believe that God created all of us and that we are indeed all beautiful in some way, shape, or form. Look around! Isn't it amazing to see all of the shades that we come in? I think it is. It's especially neat to look at the variations of colors in the skin tones of family members. For example, my grandfather (Poppy) was really dark skinned. My mother is a little lighter than her father and I am lighter than my mother. Despite these skin differences, our hands look so much alike. When he was in the hospital, we were all three holding hands and noticed the likeness. It was beautiful. It reminded me of those flesh colored crayons. They vary in pigment color and intensity. Maybe that is one reason that I love make-up so much...the colors. hmmmmm

I know what it feels like to be different than my classmates so I can only imagine the way that some children and even adults feel when there is no one around that even resembles them. Think about it, look at Barbie. She is blonde haired, blue eyed AND when I was little the only brunette Barbie was Miko or the black barbie. Miko was Asian/Polynesian and obviously the black Barbie was black. Yes, I wanted both of those dolls because they were brunette. Barbie was my favorite toy when I was a little girl. It was also hard to find black haired cabbage patch dolls or even babies that HAD hair, much less black hair like mine. -sigh-

When I married the first time, my cake topper was crystal because there weren't any cake toppers with a brunette bride unless she was Hispanic or black. That bothered me because I am not Hispanic or black. Why not have a brunette (with black hair) bride for the cake topper that is ethnically ambiguous?

Back on point, I know someone with the same dark elbows, knees, and nuckles that got caught scrubbing herself with Comet in the bath tub when she was a little girl. Why? Because all of her classmates were pink skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed "cherubs" and she felt dirty. I can remember feeling "dirty" as a little girl because I didn't look like my classmates. It's not dirt though so it can't be washed off. No child should ever feel dirty because of what they look like or be ashamed of their body/skin.

That make-up book put some things in perspective for me. Do I consider myself a woman of color? No. It was just good to read that I finally have a "category". If I had a daughter, I would teach her to feel good about herself no matter what and to look for the beauty that God has blessed her with. Instead, I have a son. I am teaching him to embrace who he is and to enjoy his freckles. He has dark hair, fair skin with dark undertones, and navy blue eyes framed with long thick black lashes. Personally I think that he will be a "lady killer" when he grows up. ;-) Does it really matter what I think though? Not one bit. It matters that he accepts himself for who he is and learns to embrace his differences.

Well, it's time that I step down from my soap box. Think about this if you will. It really makes good "food for thought". Until you read again...

-the busy bee

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sound familiar?

Hmmmmmmmmm, I know a place like this and unfortunately people that I care for are wrapped up in this crap.


A group is called a cult because of their behaviour - not their doctrines. Doctrine is an issue in the area of Apologetics and Heresy. Most religious cults do teach what the Christian church would declare to be heresy but some do not. Some cults teach the basics of the Christian faith but have behavioural patterns that are abusive, controlling and cultic.

This occurs in both Non-Charismatic and Charismatic churches. These groups teach the central doctrines of the Christian faith and then add the extra authority of leadership or someone's particular writings. They center around the interpretations of the leadership and submissive and unquestioning acceptance of these is essential to be a member of good standing. This acceptance includes what we consider non-essential doctrines e.i. not salvation issues (such as the Person and Work of Christ.) The key is that they will be using mind control or undue influence on their members.

An excellent book on this subject is "Churches that Abuse" by Dr Ronald Enroth.

Using these guidelines of definition, Bible-based, Psychological, Educational and Commercial aberrations can easily be identified.


(a) The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to others, and a UNIQUE CAUSE. e.i. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES RIGHT - everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL - everyone else is in apostasy.

(b) They will promote their cause actively, and in doing so, abuse God-given personal rights and freedoms. This abuse can be THEOLOGICAL, SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL.


1. Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or position of authority given by God.

2. They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and exalting their own group, leader/s and work.

3. They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon; being shunned by their family and friends etc. This is a vital part of the mind control process.

4. Members will be expected to give substantial financial support to the group. This could be compulsory tithing (which is checked); signing over all their property on entering the group; coercive methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contributed; selling magazines, flowers or other goods for the group as part of their "ministry".

At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell literature and tapes. They usually brag that they don't do this. This gives outsiders the intimation that they are not interested in money.

5. There will be great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its teachings. The lives of members will be totally absorbed into the group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for themselves because of physical and emotional exhaustion. This is also a vital part of the mind control process.

6. There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of members. This control can be direct through communal living, or constant and repetitious teaching on "how to be a true Christian" or "being obedient to leadership". Members will look to their leaders for guidance in everything they do.

7. Bible-based cults may proclaim they have no clergy/laity distinction and no paid ministry class - that they are all equal.

8. Any dissent or questioning of the group's teachings is discouraged. Criticism in any form is seen as rebellion. There will be an emphasis on authority, unquestioning obedience and submission. This is vigilantly maintained.

9. Members are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in some way. This could be in the form of "dobbing" on fellow members (including family) under the guise of looking out for their "spiritual welfare".

They may be required to deliberately lie (heavenly deception) or give up their lives by refusing some form of medical treatment.

10. Attempts to leave or reveal embarrassing facts about the group may be met with threats. Some may have taken oaths of loyalty that involve their lives or have signed a "covenant" and feel threatened by this.

Refugees of the group are usually faced with confrontations by other members with coercion to get them to return to the group.


1. ABUSE OF INDIVIDUALITY They adopt a "groupness" mentality. They are not permitted to think for themselves apart from the group and only accept what they are told.

2. ABUSE OF INTIMACY Relationships with friends, relatives, spouses, children, parents etc are broken or seriously hampered.

3. ABUSE OF FINANCES Pressure to give all you can to the group. In non-communal groups, members usually live at the lower socio-economic strata, not because of a lower income level, but because they are always giving money to the group for some reason.

4. "US VERSUS THEM" MENTALITY Isolation from the community in general. Anyone and everything outside the group is seen as "of the devil" or "unenlightened" etc. Their enemies now include former friends; the Christian church; governments; education systems; the media - the world in general. Those who are involved with these in any way see such involvement as a "means to an end".

5. ABUSE OF TIME AND ENERGY The group controls and uses almost all the members time and energy in group activities. They are usually in a constant state of mental and physical exhaustion.

6. ABUSE OF FREE WILL They must unquestioning submit to the groups teachings and directions and their own free will is broken. Their "will" actually becomes the groups "will" without their realizing it. This is done either by coercive methods including low protein diets and lack of sleep, or over a period of time through intimidation. Both methods make heavy use of "guilt".



Relatives will say they no longer recognize the person.

From a warm, loving personality will come heaped abuse, rejection and feelings of hate. The cult member sees himself as "righteous" in comparison and this comes across in their attitude toward all outsiders.


They cannot see themselves as individuals apart from the group. Some even change their name as a rejection of their former life.


Any time you say anything negative about the group, whether justified or no, it is regarded as "persecution". Any criticism of the individual is also seen as persecution only because they are the "true Christian" or "enlightened" one - not because they, as an individual, have done the wrong thing. However, at the same time they will feel free to criticise whatever you believe, say and do because they are "the only ones who are right".


They lose their ability to socialize outside the group. This can go so far as to not being able to structure their time or make simple decisions for themselves when they leave.

Their world-view alters and they perceive the world through their leaders eyes. They become very naive about life in general.


They are made to feel guilty of everything they did before entering the group and are to strive to be "good" and "worthy" for "eternal life". Misdemeanors are made into "mountains" so that members are in a constant state of guilt for infringing even the most minor rules. Guilt comes because they aren't doing enough; entertaining doubts or questions; even thinking rationally for oneself.

This guilt is piled upon pile with new rules constantly being laid down about what is sinful and what is not. Illness may be seen as lack of faith - more guilt. Emotional illness may be seen as proof of sin in your life - more guilt.


Not all these points will be found in every cult, but all cults will have some if not most of them, although these may vary to some degree.

Copyright 1985 Jan Groenveld Freedom In Christ, PO Box 2444, Mansfield, 4122, Australia

Reproduction is permitted only if text is intact, not within the body of any other text, and is not sold for gain or profit. The above identifying information must be left intact.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Life is but a dream...

Hello there,

It's Saturday. That means grocery shopping, laundry, and some housework for the busy bee. I'd also like to go for a walk along the beach today because the weather is really nice out. How do you usually spend your Saturdays?

I'll check in a little later.

- the busy bee

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Something New

Hi there!

I am still working on my little story, but, another idea came to me. This is just a little "one shot" that I wrote in about ten minutes today. Please tell me what you think.

The birth of the child was simply beautiful. During the duration of this pregnancy, Maggie often wondered exactly what this baby would look like. Would it be born with the fair skin and light hair of it's older sibling, or would copper skin and black hair prevail? Anxiety plagued Maggie's mind but in her heart she knew that no matter what, this baby was loved.

When the midwife presented the squalling infant to it's mother, a small frown wrinkled her brow. The baby had a thick mass of long, blue black hair and his skin was already a deep tan. Certainly, Clarence could not have fathered this child. Far be it from this woman to interfere in the marriage of Clarence and Maggie Kendall. Her work was completed; Mother and baby were safe and healthy.

Maggie examined her new son with awe. "Hello, little one", she cooed. "You've sure made your mama nervous waiting for you. Happy Birthday." So, she and Kanawha had created a son. He would be overjoyed at the news. Maggie's heart leaped with joy but it was short lived. Clarence would be coming in soon and with his temper, things would not go well. As it was, Maggie needed to protect her baby boy from the wrath of her husband.

*No, I do not condone adultery. As the story unfolds, you will discover the why of this infidelity.

Hope you enjoyed the small glimpse into my imagination!

- the busy bee

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



In this topsy turvy economy, I am so very thankful for the blessings in my life. I have a loving husband, a wonderful son, and many other "things" that I do not deserve. We have a home, plush beds, food to eat, and love to share. Many people in our own nation do not have those things and it tugs at my heart. God has truly blessed me and for that I am grateful. Please reach out to those in need not only at this Thanksgiving season, but all year long. Take care of our own before we go and take care of those in other nations. It is all about priorities.

I believe that in reaching out to others and meeting their needs, we are the actual hands of Christ here on earth. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Seriously. Meeting a need can be as simple as making an extra plate or two for your single neighbor. Think about it, do we really need to have leftovers? How about paying for the person behind you in the drive through or at the toll booth? Maybe I'm being idealistic, but it is so intrinsically rewarding to go beyond ourselves and give to others. Try it. You just might like it!

Thanking God for the blessings in my life,
- the busy bee

Monday, November 8, 2010


Have you ever fed a lover
With just your hands
Close your eyes
And trusted, just trusted
Have you ever thrown
A fist full of glitter in the air
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just dont care

Its only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
And the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way...

Have you ever hated yourself
For staring at the phone
Your whole life waiting on the ring
To prove youre not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently
You had to cry
Have you ever invited a stranger
To come inside

Its only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table
The walk before the run
The breath before the kiss
And the fear before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way...

la la la la la la la la

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee, callin me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night
Lassoed the moon and the stars
And pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath
And asked yourself
Will it ever get better
Than tonight, tonight.......


Love, love, love, love this song. It reminds me of falling in love for the first time. Real love. I can remember wishing for an endless night with my honey. We had been apart for nine years. Over that time I had thought of him, wondered what he was doing, and even dreamed of him. Would I admit it? No way! I thought that it would be a sin (I was married to someone else).

Back to the first night that I wished would never end. Well, he came to visit me and we had dinner together. I can remember the butterflies in my stomach! Wow, was I nervous. I can remember Robby commenting on how fast my heart was beating and I remember feeling my fact turn beet red because I didn't want to acknowledge it was because of him. What was wrong with me? hehehehehe After dinner, we watched a movie (The Notebook) and then slow danced. How romantic! It was like a missing piece of my heart was found as he held me in his arms. Then, I leaned up and kissed him. Yes, I made the first move to kiss him and it was amazing. Fireworks! If only that night would never end! It was about five or so in the morning when I tore myself away and went home. Just a few hours after we had breakfast and spent every minute of that Saturday together. Ahhhhhhh, memories.

That has been four years ago now AND there have been many more nights that I wished would never end. Real love doesn't have to get dull and boring. There are ups and downs, twists and turns, and lulls in the passion. BUT the best part is when that passion surges and you find yourself beside of your one true love after the roller coaster, you are more in love than ever before. Who would have ever thought that I, Alissa, am a hopeless romantic? Certainly not those talking to me during the black period of my first marriage. I hated the idea of marriage and romance because, well, I was mixed up in something that was totally and completely wrong. I wanted to prove to myself and to the world around me that I was grown and could make my own decisions. How laughable that is now! I threw away happiness with both hands and thank God in heaven my actions had a boomerang effect and happiness came back to me.

Floating on air,
- the busy bee

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Backward glances

Today a most unwelcome surprise arrived in the mail. For the better part of this last year, my ex-husband has had no contact with my son. Then, out of the blue, came a card for David. It was a Halloween card. The cynical part of me snorted and thought, "Of course he would send a card for that day. It's his high holy day." Then, I began to reflect on some of the less than stellar choices that I have made throughout my life. I do not regret my son at all. He was the only bright spot in that miserable existence of a so called marriage. Does it really do any good to take a backward glance though? All we can do is move forward.

Looking back only causes sadness. There are too many loved ones not with me anymore and when I look back they figure prominently in my life. There is also a long list of "what ifs" and "should haves". Does it do anyone any good to think of those things? Maybe, only if upon reflection we glean wisdom from our mistakes and dare not repeat them. After all, isn't the definition of "crazy" doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

It's not easy coming to terms with all of my past mistakes, but, I am trying. After all, I wouldn't be who I am today without the bad choices of yesterday.

- the busy bee

Sudafed is not my friend


Sudafed is not my friend. At all. Not one little bit. It may make sinuses feel better but it is not good for the emotional state. Yesterday afternoon was really bad because of it and today seems to not be any better. Why does it have to make everything seem so serious and drastic? I just want to be left alone to run away to a deserted island and never return. No, normally I do not feel this way so don't worry. Once it runs it's course everything is back to normal and life is good again. In the meantime....

- the busy bee

Friday, November 5, 2010

Possible T.M.I

Hi again!

Here's the thing, I like to sleep sprawled out on the bed. I am a cover/blaket hog and on more than one occasion I have even taken over his pillow. My husband gets a little frustrated with me about it but he keeps me around despite my bad bed manners. I also thrash around in the night as my dreams are normally very active. So, a king sized bed is our friend. :-) Tonight, my dear husband told me that he is thinking of buying sand paper to sand down my bony knees. hehehehehe He says that he gets poked in the night by my "sharp" knees and that at least when my butt pokes him it's "cushy". Hardy har har, Mr. Brown. You are such a comedian!

The way I see it, the daytime hours are never boring in our house so why should it be any different in the night? My husband needs to be kept on his toes! Speaking of toes, mine are cold right now. Maybe I should put them on Robby so they can warm up. ;-)

Good night, ya'll!
- the busy bee

Part 6

Here is part 6 (mostly finished). Please keep in mind that this is a rough draft and that I will "flesh out" the story once it is completed. It's good to get the thoughts down first and then go back and fix things. Enjoy and let me know what ya'll think.

Walking to the market, I thought about how incredibly blessed I was to live in this small town. The last five years had certainly gone by with ease and comfort. No one really inquired too much about my past and that was a relief. My past was a rabid dog and I would much rather leave that dog alone.

Life here was bliss, really. There were four distinct seasons, my friends were supportive and fun, my home was charming, and I had a job that I loved. Yes, this was pretty much the polar opposite of what my life had been in Florida.

I married at such an early age. He had said that he loved me beyond reason and I believed him. Juan was devilishly handsome and he had such a way with words. We met in Ybor City and I had been taken by his exotic looks and the way that he was different than anyone I had ever met.

After a whirlwind courtship in which Juan showed that he could be moody, we married. Looking back, those moods only foreshadowed the horrors that my marriage would hold. On our wedding night I realized what a huge mistake that I had made. Like most girls, I imagined my honeymoon to be filled with romance. Instead of gentle caresses, I received harsh words of criticism if my hair was the slightest bit out of place. Instead of a doting new husband, I was left to my own devices while he leered at and flirted with other women. Divorce was frowned upon and beside the fact, my pride prevented me from admitting defeat.

Juan knew all of this and he seemed to derive some sort of sadistic pleasure from watching me become miserable. Over the next few years, Juan became more and more physical with his malice. In the beginning of our marriage, Juan used words to wound me and occasionally fists. Now, he was striking me on a regular basis. Oh, yes, he always made sure to do so on my back or upper arm where my clothing would hide the purple bruises. There were a few times that he lost control and actually punched my face. Amazingly enough, those punches did not leave any marks although they hurt like the dickens.

I finally began to fight back. Two could and would play that game. The first time I struck Juan he was more than surprised. It seemed to calm him and he walked away from me with a frown creasing his brow. The next bought of physical violence brought about Juan picking me up over his shoulder and repeatedly thrusting my head into our headboard. I bit his hand hard enough to draw blood and he released me onto the bed. As I sat there, gulping for breath, Juan slapped me across the face and demanded that I go make dinner.

We continued along this destructive path for five years. It is a miracle from God Himself that I was not killed. I always knew that I was strong, but, being married to Juan showed me just where exactly my strength came from.

Oh! The other women, and men, I should add only added to the insults. One afternoon, I was walking down 7th Avenue and Juan and one of his “friends”, Maria, were walking arm and arm happy as could be. There were rumors, always rumors. Juan vehemently denied there being any validity to them, but in my heart I knew that they were true. How else could a supposed husband treat his wife with such malice and utter hatred?

That night Juan drew the final straw. I made spaghetti for our dinner and had it waiting on the table for him. When he walked in the door, Juan ignored the hot dinner and instead went to a different room to read the newspaper. I sat and ate my dinner in peace and waited. The minutes turned into hours and Juan still did not come for his dinner. My anger was bubbling over so I decided to do something about the situation instead of just sitting patiently waiting for my dose of punishment.

Calmly, I warmed the plate in the oven. With a soft smile on my face I went to the study where Juan was now reading a book. A little voice in my head said, “Flip the plate! Flip the plate! Flip the plate!” and I DID. I flipped the plate of hot spaghetti on Juan and he yelped in pain. Victory was mine although it was short lived. I meant to leap out of the way and run out of the house. Instead, Juan grabbed my wrist and jerked me to him. It hurt but the triumph of watching Juan dance around in pain more than numbed my wrist. He shoved me backward and I fell into a doorknob. It hit the back of my head and I blacked out. That would be the last time Juan would ever put his hands on me.

The priest found multiple grounds for our annulment and I moved to start a new life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chill out, won't you?!

It has been a rainy day here in the busy bee's neighborhood. A cold front is coming through! YAY! While summer has to be my favorite season, fall is a close second. It's about time to drag out the jeans, long sleeved shirts, and hoodies. While the rain is dreary, it is bringing something good.

Isn't that how life is sometimes? Dreary or difficult times followed by a pleasant outcome? It's not always sunshine and roses. No one ever said that life was perfect. Far from it, in fact! I try to make the best of it although I am not always successful. That's why it's important to get up, brush the dirt off, and go on.

I'll be seeing you,
- the busy bee

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Big Rock Candy Mountaina

Hello all,

This time of year I always miss my Poppy. November 29 he will be gone for nineteen years. It's hard to believe that it's been that long, but in the same sense it feels like it's been a lifetime ago. He loved to sing and Poppy had a beautiful bass voice. Many of my favorite childhood memories are of him singing to me. One of the songs was "The Big Rock Candy Mountains". It's a catchy little tune and super cute. Here are the lyrics.

One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fires were burning,
Down the track came a hobo hiking,
And he said, "Boys, I'm not turning
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Besides the crystal fountains
So come with me, we'll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
There's a land that's fair and bright,
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night.
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
And the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs
Where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers' trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh I'm bound to go
Where there ain't no snow
Where the rain don't fall
The winds don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railway bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew
And of whiskey too
You can paddle all around it
In a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
The jails are made of tin.
And you can walk right out again,
As soon as you are in.
There ain't no short-handled shovels,
No axes, saws nor picks,
I'm bound to stay
Where you sleep all day,
Where they hung the jerk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
I'll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains

In the weeks to come, I will write more about Poppy. Like I said, this time of year I think of him more than usual.

your busy bee

At last....

Hi there!

This is a teaser for part 6! Thanks for reading. ;-)

Walking to the market, I thought about how incredibly blessed I was to live in this small town. The last five years had certainly gone by with ease and comfort. No one really inquired too much about my past and that was a relief. My past was a rabid dog and I would much rather leave that dog alone.

Life here was bliss, really. There were four distinct seasons, my friends were supportive and fun, my home was charming, and I had a job that I loved. Yes, this was pretty much the polar opposite of what my life had been in Florida.

- the busy bee

Monday, November 1, 2010

Part 5! Part 5! Part 5!

Hello all! Here is part five of my little story. A few disclaimers... 1) My real name is Alissa and my real husband's name is Robby Brown. 2) Clyde Cobb was a real man, married to a real woman named Garnett. She had several younger sisters. He really did sing in a group called the Silvertones. 3) Cheryl and Mike are real people and they are really married.

Sorry for the overuse of the words "real" and "really". Some names will be changed in the final product. Of course, that is to product the innocent. ;-) Happy reading and please, please, please, please, tell me what ya'll think. Remember, this is a very rough draft. Really rough draft. hehehehehe Get it? "Really" rough draft. Ah, I crack myself up sometimes.

The birds chirping happily woke me and before I could fully open my eyes I knew that the day was spectacular. It was Saturday and I was able to sleep in a little. Were the events of last night real? Had Robby really stopped by for a short visit on his way back home to Florida? Looking over to my left, I saw the letter lying open on my nightstand and I knew that it was indeed real.

Saturday was usually a day filled with going to the market, laundry, and housework. It was also a day that my best friend, Cheryl and I had breakfast together and caught up on all of the past week’s gossip. She would go over the moon for this late breaking news. We always took turns hosting our regular breakfast date and this was my turn. How could I have forgotten? Robby. That’s exactly how!

With an exaggerated sigh, I quickly dressed and rummaged through the kitchen for the makings of our meal. We had biscuits, pear preserves, scrambled eggs, and I was able to use some leftover ham from the icebox to complete our little feast. Just as I was clearing the last few blue willow china pattern dishes from the table, Cheryl asked me about what I knew she had been bursting at the seems to know.

“So, did he come by to tell you goodbye?” she smiled.

“I don’t know who you mean, Cheryl.” I smiled back, beginning to run the water in the sink to wash the dishes.

“Yes, you do. You can’t pretend that you have no idea who I am talking about, especially after this last week. Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d guess that you had forgotten all about our breakfast this morning because you were up late last night with him.” Her lips curled up triumphantly.

“What?! How could you know abou…No! I would never forget breakfast.” Caught. I had been caught. There was no use trying to lie my way out of it. I was a terrible liar anyway.

“Let’s just call it a girl’s intuition. Plus, Mike knows things and we are married. He does talk to me.” Cheryl winked in my direction and helped dry the dishes before putting them back in their place.

After Cheryl’s gentle interrogation she seemed satisfied with herself and the information extracted. Well, it wasn’t an interrogation, but it certainly had felt like one. Cheryl had meant no harm and it felt good to talk to someone about things. Her advice had been to “write to Robby and see what happens”. Easier said than done.

Oh, correspondence was simple enough. It was the waiting. Waiting was not something that I was particularly good at in life. Humming one of the songs the Silvertones had sung last night, I gathered the empty flour sacks and started out toward the market.

The most refined ladybugs do it, when a gentleman calls

Let's do it! Let's fall in love!

What a cute and witty song. Cole Porter was wonderfully talented. The movie about his life, DeLovely, is one of my favorites. No big surprise there, right? After all, it IS set in the time period that I adore AND it has Ashley Judd in it. Yep. I freely admit it. I think that Ashley Judd is gorgeous.

When I watched DeLovely, I was married to my ex-husband and cried pretty much through the whole movie. Of course he laughed and made fun of my emotional state. I won't go into my thoughts of him. Let's just say that they were and are less than civil. ;-)

Well, that's what is going on in the busy bee's mind right now. Talk to ya'll later!

Much love,
- the busy bee