Friday, January 22, 2010

Broken CHI leads to freedom...

The other evening, my CHI gave out. It was a Christmas gift from 2004 so it served it's purpose. I loved that thing. I have not worn my hair curly for years because of the CHI. Let's just say God has a great sense of humor. One of my goals for 2010 was to be more comfortable in my own skin.

So, I am going to be straight up honest with everyone (no pun intended). I am a hairy brunette. Yep, there it is. From the age of ten I have shaved my legs and when I was seventeen I started shaving my arms so they would not be hairy. I recently stopped the arm shaving and they are back to their natural state. Childhood was not very kind to me due to being picked on, howled at, barked at, and ridiculed for my looks. I wore glasses, had unruly hair, and did not really fit in with the other kids. So, contacts and a CHI were magical for me. A year or so ago, my husband bought me these super cute retro glasses that I wear more than my contacts. That was step number one. When my CHI gave out, I had no alternative but to wear my hair curly. As it turns out, I am getting compliments on it! I was so uncomfortable with my natural hair but actually it is the real me and in order to reach my goal for 2010, I have to get comfortable with everything about myself. That was step number two.

God is so good. He knows exactly what we can and cannot handle and He always works things out for our good when we trust Him. The thing is, as frail humans, we do not always trust in God. I know I struggle with it on a daily basis. It is not easy to rest in the arms of a loving and trustworthy Savior. I write this as much for myself as for others. Even though it may seem scary, and even though you or I may think that we know what is best, we need to place our lives in the hands of our creator. Think it over, give it a try, you just may like it.

Just a little insight into my life,
- the busy bee

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