Friday, January 15, 2010

Vietnamese eyebrow torture

A few years ago, my mother convinced me to try getting my eyebrows waxed. I used to shave them. It was easy enough, just turn the razor sideways and remove the excess and unwanted hair. The only issue was getting them perfectly even and keeping up with the stubble. Well, like I said, my mother convinced me to give wax a try one day while we were at the nail shop. I was terrified! I hate pain. She told me that if I could have a baby and get pierced I could surely survive getting my eyebrows done. Hahahahaha!

I asked the lady to wax my eyebrows. She was from Vietnam and very sweet and gentle with my nails so I figured it couldn't be all that bad. Again, hahahahaha. I was led back to the chair and told to lay back and relax. I laid back, closed my eyes, and prayed for mercy. The warm wax felt soothing and we chatted about nothing in particular. A soft, dry cloth was laid over the warm wax and smoothed down by deft fingers. Then, in one instant, r-i-p! Off came the cloth and I almost came out of the chair with it. I squealed. She laughed. My mother laughed. Well, I had to finish what was started so on it went. A total of five applications of wax and five squeals from me. I thought it was over. I thought wrong! Next came the tweezing of the small hairs that were not caught in the wax. The few, the proud, the stragglers. That hurt worse than the waxing. After the tweezing, the nice lady soothed my raw skin with some (what I assume) baby oil.

My eyebrows looked amazing! I was pleased with the results but not pleased with the process. Whoever said "beauty must suffer" had it right! After I paid the woman, I told her that she could have gotten any information that she wanted out of me with that Vietnamese torture. She laughed and asked me if I would explain to her what I meant. I told her that she just performed Vietnamese eyebrow torture on me and that she could get national secrets from her clients if she would only ask the right questions while they were "relaxed" in her chair. I was assured that the more I had the waxing done, the easier it would become and it would not hurt as bad.

It was true. If it is kept up, waxing is not too bad. Yes, I still refer to it as Vietnamese eyebrow torture because it certainly does not feel good or soothing. I tell my husband, "Time to go for my torture session" when I notice those pesky hairs growing back into place. -sigh- He just looks at me and smiles knowingly. I am just happy I do not have a mustache. :-)

Your friendly torture survivor,
- the busy bee

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