Friday, January 1, 2010

Ah, the joys of a son

What a day! I spent about an hour and a half working on my side of our master bedroom closet. Now, everything is neatly labeled and in place. Next task on the closet agenda is to organize the clothes that hang by color. Yes, I said it, organize by color. If you are laughing right about now, try it. You'd be surprised by how easy it is to find exactly what you want to wear. An additional bonus is, it's easy to put the garment back into the allotted space. Geeky, yes.

Oh! My son is into something new. He now loves to belch after drinking anything. Anything! It's a habit that started last evening and has continued into today. I have explained to him repeatedly that belching is normal and that every human being does it, BUT, it is inappropriate to do it every chance you get and as loudly as you possibly can. -sigh-

I love having a little boy. The teacher in me envisions a note sent home on Monday letting me know that David is a "nice boy, however, he has been belching all day long......". The balancing act of teacher and mommy is not so easy. My husband has been gracious enough to help me with that delicate balance. Obviously I have no clue what it is like to be a little boy, and obviously my husband does. So, he gently clues me in to some of the "man secrets" and rights of passage that our son is going through. Fun times. I mean that with no sarcasm. It's great being the only female in the house...Queen Bee. :-)

It's getting to be family time now so I need to buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz off to the hive.

the busy bee

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