Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What next?

Here is what happens next. It's part four if you are counting. ;-)

With Robby walking off in the direction of the train depot, I slowly opened the card in my hands. Folded neatly inside of the card were two pages of the same ecru colored linen paper that made up the envelope. The moonlight was not sufficient enough to read the letter. I ventured inside and prepared myself for whatever Robby Brown felt that he needed to say.

My Dearest Alissa,

I would like to thank you for one of the best weeks of my life. When my business brought me to this particular town, I would impatiently count the days until I returned home. In the past, your little town held no charms for me and I found it quite boring. Now, smooth your ruffled feathers and allow me to continue before you decide to toss this into a fire.

However, in my past visits, I had not met you. Our first meeting at the Magnolia was quite by chance. Your laughter caught my ear and I couldn’t help but to seek out the source of the infectious melody. What luck when I found it was you!

You were sitting at a table with Clyde Cobb, Garnett Samples, and one of her little sisters. Obviously something was causing you to giggle louder than anyone else in the group so I decided to introduce myself. Well, the rest as they say, is history.

Your company truly made this trip one of the most pleasant and unfortunately fast business ventures that I have ever experienced. I found myself actually dreading this day. How could I tell you goodbye? Please forgive me in not actually telling you in person.

This is where I can be reached should you decide to correspond with me. My mail is forwarded from this address, so, rest assured it will find me.
Robby Brown
c/o Carolyn Brown
16 Ponce deLeon Ave.
Saint Augustine, Florida 32084
I hope that you think of our week together with fondness or perhaps something a little more.

Sincerely yours. Forever always and never sometimes,

With that, I folded the note and placed it back into the envelope. This friendship was going to be very interesting to say the least. Who was Carolyn Brown? Did Robby have a wife? He didn’t wear a wedding band and there had been no tan line where one had previously been.

Sleep now beckoned and I answered the call. Knowing that sleeping in would be an option, I didn’t even bother to look at the clock beside my bed. The time didn’t matter.

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