Wednesday, December 22, 2010

True meaning of Christmas

Hi there,

During this season, it is easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. Beautiful lights, delicious food in abundance, sparkly presents wrapped neatly (and not so neatly) under an ornate tree, festive music, and travel surround us all and create a palpable hum in the air. This is truly the most wonderful time of year. My thoughts are on my dad this Christmas. Although he claimed that Christmas was for kids and that he didn't need to celebrate, he always seemed to have a big grin on his face come Christmas. His gifts were always thoughtful and the red velvet cake was oh so yummy. This year is our first without him. Admittedly, it's been hard for me to get into the spirit this year.

While having a little pity party, this thought came to me. Why are you looking at the sadness that you feel when there is so much to celebrate? Think about it, God sent His one and only son to earth for all of mankind. I am glad that I am NOT God for many reasons that include the fact that I would probably lose my temper and "zap" people that get on my nerves and I would take issue with sacrificing my only son (which I really only have one son) for people that were not even grateful for him or the actual sacrifice. At any rate, rejoicing for God's son is the true reason for all of our festivities.

Oh, and lest we forget, baby Jesus was not born in a nice clinical environment. He was born in a barn (for lack of a better word), wrapped in rags - not a pamper and a cute onesie, and a feed trough was his cradle. Have any of you seen a feed trough? I have. It's not the cleanest or prettiest thing in the world. However, God Himself decided that it was good enough for His son, the king of kings. Humbling, isn't it? Not only was Jesus born in this setting, he was not the pink skinned blond baby that many manger scenes depict. Remember, Jesus was Jewish. He had olive skin and black hair.

Scripture tells us that there was nothing about his outward appearance that would attract us to him. Personally, I believe that this is true, but I believe that there was something extra special in his eyes that drew people to him. The Messiah could see to the very soul of a human being and know their inner desires, hopes, dreams, and fears. After all, He was the creator!

And, speaking of creator, isn't it fitting that a carpenter would raise God's only son as his own? God is such a creative being, it only makes sense that Jesus would create as well. This is another thought that I had last night while reflecting on the true reason for Christmas. Jesus built things with materials that He created. As a creative person myself, I can't imagine creating the materials to create with. Yet another reason I am glad that I am not God.

Jesus' occupation before he went into ministry gives us another clue to his physical appearance. I don't for a second believe that the pictures depicting Jesus on the cross as a frail, skinny, blond haired blue eyed man with a blond beard to be true in the least. Jesus was more than likely muscular from lifting the building materials. Again, he was Jewish. His skin was dark. His hair was black and his eyes were more than likely brown. I'm sure that his hands were rough and calloused yet when he touched those that he healed there was a tenderness in his hands that could only be rivaled by a mother's soft touch.

When he hung on that wooden cross, it was made from a tree that he created. Amazing thought isn't it? Jesus, the son of God, could have never created that tree in the first place. Or, he could have floated off of that cross putting Chris Angel Mind Freak to shame. Did Jesus do those things? No. He stayed there for you and me because he loved us. That is the best Christmas gift ever.

So, when you look at the Christmas tree in your home, think about some things. Jesus started his life in a feed trough made of wood. He worked with wood. He gave his life for you on a cross of wood. He was the best Christmas gift on a tree - not under a tree.

So, I hope that you reflect on what Christ did for you this Christmas. I'm certainly not someone to preach, but, this is important.

The Busy Bee

P.S. This is an inside thing for my family that reads the blog....I know Dad is filling Michele in on the "Christmas Miracle" in person this year. :-)

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